
18 December 2015

6 Months Later...

I'm back :D I've finished my Certificate IV in Design. Woot! Looking to do a bachelor degree next year but for now, I'm free! Been stitching with some progress on Moment of Reading made.
I'd also like to show you drawings from another school assignment that I'm most proud of...
The brief was to produce illustrations that provide a visual advertisement about a new restaurant or cafe for a newspaper, magazine article or blog.
The stipulated medium was brush and ink. Hence I ended up with the ink wash technique which is basically brush painting using only black ink in various concentrations.
I chose to depict an upscale luxury cafe specializing in desserts.
I've played with watercolour and done some Chinese paintings when I was a kid so I'm more or less familiar with the technique. After much trial and error, I have to say I'm pretty happy with the result :)
A week to Christmas. I hope everyone's got their Christmas shopping done? I doubt I'll be posting again soon so until next time, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Carol said...

So nice to see you back, Veronica! And congratulations on finishing your design course. By the looks of your fabulous drawings you will be very successful! I sure wish I had any sort of drawing ability :) Love the WIP you are stitching, too.

Wishing you every blessing during this Christmas season!

Sally said...

It's lovely to see you back Veronica. Congratulations on finishing your course. Your drawings look amazing!

Love your WIP.

Have a wonderful Christmas.

Margaret said...

Congratulations on your finishing your certificate! That's fantastic! I love your drawings. Very well done! Love the stitching progress too. Merry Christmas to you! Good to see a post from you!

butterfly said...

Beautiful work .

Anonymous said...

Oh, how wonderful!! Congratulations to you and Sean, Veronica--such a lovely couple!! Best wishes for every happiness throughout your marriage :)
