
23 May 2012

SALs Galore

I need to stop doing this, lumping all SALs into a single post. So how successful was your IHSW? Mine went pretty well.
As mentioned, Stella had all my attention. Here she is now with nearly all the stitching done.
Only one blue is left then it's beading time :)
As for my 6 Fat Man SAL, I didn't get too much done.
I actually stitched on Tuesday instead of Monday and was kinda too busy watching House MD's final episode for much progress. So sad that there will be no more House MD after this week :( I think it's one of the best television series ever! I love his wit, sarcasm and  humour.
I was reminded from my blog hopping that it's TUSAL time again. My ort jar this month is placed on my first and fairly new (bought in January 2012) laptop with the login screen of Diablo III in the background ^.^
What? I can't help it! Yes, I know, I'm such a geek :P
Happy Stitching!


dulcinella said...

What is that with all you cross stitch girls an diabolo?:-) Stella is so beautiful, Iin fact she's gorgeous! I love the Lizzie Kate also, but keep telling myself there aren't going to be more SAL's this month. Too bad House ended, but we're not there yet...

natalysneedle said...

Beautiful stitching!! Stella is stunning on the fabric you chose! I feel a finish coming soon

Giovanna said...

Great progress on both WIPs, well done!

Margaret said...

My DH can't stop playing Diablo III now. lol! He's the geek in this family -- along with my DD. And DS to some extent. Love your fairy. Wow, she is so pretty! You got quite a bit done on the snowmen, I think. So cute!

Maud said...

Veronica, Stella is just WOW! Great job on picking the fabric too, it really complements her dress without overpowering it

Sally said...

Stella is gorgeous Veronica! Love the fabric you're using.

6 FM is coming along well :)

lesli said...

Oh Veronica....Stella is soooo stunning! I LOVE that fabric you chose!
Love your TUSAL picture...Diablo! :)

twinpeakprimitives said...

Dear Veronica,

I do like your choices to stitch, but Stella is stunning!!!

Very very well done!


Tricia said...

Such gorgeous stitching!!! Wow!!


Anonymous said...


Stella looks beautiful!

Your other wips are lovely too.

Julie said...

Stella is looking quite lovely.
The Snowmen are coming along.

Melissa said...

I love the diablo screenshot!

Great job on both your projects. Stella is gorgeous!

Mylene said...

WOW! Stella is looking gorgeous!! and such a beautiful fabric you have chosen for this design.

Carla said...

Nice progres on both pieces!
I love Stella ♥

Julie said...

Stella looks terrific

Teresa S. said...

Stella and the snowmen are coming along fantastic!
Great stitching!

Carol said...

Geek or not, your stitching is just lovely, Veronica!!

valerie said...

Wow, Stella looks amazing! You're almost done! I can't wait to celebrate a happy dance with you! And 6 Fat Men is coming along.=)

Anne said...

Stella is so stunning. Like a stargazer!! That fabric is PERFECT!!!! Love the Snowmen too!! LOL! You and Joyce are addicted to Diablo 3!!!! Love the orts :D



Chris said...

Wonderful stitchy update Veronica!!
Great progress!

Tatkis said...

Stella looks gorgeous - almost finished!


Unknown said...

Fabulous stitching - it's great seeing your progress.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Stella is lovely and I look forward to your finish... after a million beads of course... right?

Ewa said...

That's so cool! Don't worry, every time I text or call Boyfriend he's playing Diablo - so you're not the only one ;)

♥ Nia said...

Stella is gorgeous! :) but 6 fat men is not behind heheheh those colors are so pretty :D I hope you're enjoying that project, the start was a bit boring but now all those colors must be fun :D

Ellen said...

Love Stella! Looking forward to seeing her with beads! Enjoying your 6 Fat Men's wip, I have not finish mine yet! I just got back from Korea after a week holiday, so no stitching ha ha!


Unknown said...

Stella looks just fabulous! Love your snowman!
Keep up the great work, I love looking at your blog!

Catherine said...

Oh wow! Stella is stunning on that fabric!!! I'm looking forward to seeing her as you add the beads.
Your 6 Fat Men are comin' along! Love the little cardinal.

Meari said...

Stella is beautiful, Veronica. Great photo of your TUSAL. I have no idea what Diablo is, lol.

Unknown said...

They are both looking wonderful - great work. x