I got two blog awards within days of each other. First is the Beautiful Blogger award given to me by Jan. Thank you, Jan.

As with each award, there are certain rules:
- Accept the award
- Thank the person who gave you the award
- Add a link to the person who gave you the award
- Put the award on your blog
- Write 10 things about yourself others might not know
- Pass the award on to 10 others
So here are 10 things about me:
- I love both coffee and tea. And Gummi Bears.
- I play the piano. In fact, I have a Grade 8 qualification. However, I am ashamed to say that I have not touched the piano in years.
- I have a HUGE thing for Forever Friends bear. Cutest bear in the world!
- I am a complete bookworm and my favorite books are romance novels. I also collect books. If I have a book from a series, I usually end up with the whole series.
- I love watching Stargate TV series.
- I visited Phuket, Thailand for vacation three times within the last two years. My partner loves that place!
- I speak three languages (English, Mandarin and Malay) fluently and two dialects (Cantonese and Hokkien) not so fluently.
- I love assembling jigsaw puzzles. The more pieces, the better. I like the challenge.
- I met my partner online through a dating website.
- I play World of Warcraft and my main character is a druid.
My second award is from mbroider. Thank you!

Once again, here are the rules for this award:
- Put the logo on your blog or within your post
- Pass the award to 12 bloggers
- Link the nominees within your post
- Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award
I'm gonna bend the rules a little. For BOTH awards, I nominate the following bloggers:
- Andie of Stitchitandie
- Chiloe of Chiloe's Corner
- Christine of Mtrl Girl's Material World
- Cindy of Stitching Corner
- Dani of Dani: Black Belt Stitching Wizard
- Dovilė of Žydinti svajonių pieva
- EeKoon of CraftyPretender Projects
- Elizabeth of Sew in Love
- Hazel of Quietly Stitching
- Helen of Stitchery Nook
- Lillie of Home of a Little Needlecrafter
- Lisa of Lisa's Blog
As to what I've been working on, I'm two thirds done with Berry Time.
Did I mention I love silk? Especially variegated ones which this project shows off to perfection? If I didn't, well, once again, I LOVE silk!
I've switched back to stitching on Love With A Capital L for now. This is the progress so far:
I would like to personally thank Christine here for bringing to my attention some discrepancies in the bottom half of the design which the stitches were not centered properly. She has recorded the errors on her blog here if you need more details.
Now that's done, look what came home from the framers last week.
This was presented to Adeline on 22 March, her birthday. I'm happy to report that she was trilled with it though I gotta admit I mentally facepalmed myself when I had to literary explained to her that the kitties represented her two cats. She unwrapped it, took one look and went "Oooooh... a black cat and a white cat! So cute!" >.< In her defense, we were in a karaoke room with dim lights but still...
And here's Esperanza again.
She is awaiting the arrival of my partner. Hence, I won't be online much for the next couple of weeks. He will be here in Malaysia as will his brother who is visiting Malaysia for the first time for the Formula One race this coming Sunday.
First off, Congrats on all of your awards, you most certainly deserve them =). Now for the Frames, just wow . . . like really wow. Your Partner and Best Friend are truly bless =). Capital L lol, I really like, it both rings true and show a a lot grace and elegance.
Congrats on being norminated with both the awards, you are well deserved to have them. A truly beautiful blog with wonderful stitching work!
Thank you for norminating me ~(^_^)~ {{i am blush}}
Thanks for nominate me:)))
Have a good time:)
Thanks for the nominations, Veronica=)
Hope all's well with you and so pleased you enjoy my blog.
Awww wow thank you for nominating me. I didn't even know you read my blog! Love your wips esp the Blackbird Designs one. xx
Hi Veronica, thanks so much for nominating me for the blog awards! That's really nice of you. All of your projects are just lovely. Berry Time calls to me more and more each time I see someone stitching it!
Congratulations on your awards and thank you for thinking highly enough of me and my blog to share one with me!
Berry Time looks just fantastic and so does Love.
Both of your framed pieces look spectacular!!!!
Congrads on the award and thanks for nominating me in return. :D
Your WIP look great
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