I've been slacking on my blogging. I know I said I'll update once a week especially with this SAL that Carol, Jessie and I got going. I finished stitching 'Tart' last week but didn't have a chance to post until now.
I'm now officially halfway through Sweet Threats. Ice Cream is next. My absolute favourite among all of 'em. I've yet to start it though. By the way, Carol has already finished her Sweet Threats. If you haven't already seen it, check it out here. Isn't her stitching beautiful? Guess I lost our mock SAL competition >.< Fair and Square #8 package from Michele.
I love them, Michele. The colours are so sweet. Thank you so much! Here's a close up of the square:
The design is 'I Love Cross Stitch' (how appropriate ^.^) from the July 2008 issue of The Gift of Stitching magazine by Maryse Dupont of Les grilles de Maryse. The website is in French so click here for the translated version from Google if you're as clueless as me.
Michele also sent me a card and a a pretty Seattle tin containing peppermints.
I received another blog award - Arte y Pico - this time from Noreen. Thank you, Noreen.

The first time I saw this, it was on Nina's blog which according to her, means 'The Best Art'.
As usual, the rules for every award:
- Choose 5 blogs deserving to receive the award (conception, creativity, interesting equipment and contributing to the community of bloggers whatever the language).
- Every award must contain the link towards the blog of his author so that it can be visited.
- Every winner must show the award-logo and put back the name and the link towards the blog that attributed it for her.
- The winner must show the blog link the Arte y Pico.
- To Post the rules.
I've nominated a number of blogs before for the last two awards that I've received but I'm gonna go ahead and nominate another 5 more as per requested anyway because in my opinion, there are way too many stitchers out there with wonderful blogs who deserves some recognition.
Thus, once again in alphabetical order:
- Biblo's Blog ~ Wendy from Malaysia
- Kathy’s Designs & Kreations ~ Kathy from England
- Lil' Needlecrafter ~ Lillie from Malaysia
- Stitches with Camels ~ Mel from Dubai
- Xstitch - Christina ~ Christina from USA
Before you leave me to visit these talented stitchers' blogs, here's my latest update of Just Nan's Queen of the Needle.
Finally got through the dreaded band. Did I mention I don't like confetti stitches? >.<
Loving Queen of the needle, that one is on my 'to do' pile.
All of your pieces look gorgeous!
Great job on your WIP and SAL, Veronica. The squares a really pretty... What a nice exchange.
So many cute pieces, I love the small sweets :)
Hi Veronica,
Your sweets piece is looking so lovely!
I love it, your stitching is very beautiful!
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your progress! :D
Oh I love your JN's Queen of the Needle. It's in my to-do for a long time now. I wonder when I'll have time for it. I'm having the itch seeing your progress photo of it, awww.
Love the Sweet treats as well. Congrats on your award!
The cupcakes are looking very yummy and lovely squares. JN is a beauty.
Congrads on the award and thank you for naming me.
Beautiful Tart indeed Veronica!
wow...lotsa beautiful & delicate work in progress!
Congrats for your blog award!
The tart looks sweet. There are a good few confetti stitches in QotN but well worth the effort Veronica, keep up the good work.
I have just discovered your blog. You have some fantastic projects. I think I will be off to order a few. I love the Sweet Treats.
Take care
Sharon x
Your Queen of the Needle is coming along beautifully and I love your Sweet Treats piece.
Your stitching looks beautiful! Congrats on the finish and your award.
your stitching looks great and congrats on the award and also thanks for the website the french one will take a look at that in a mo.. congrats..
Awesome Queen of the Needle -- excellent squares! and your Tart is looking great : ) Congrats on your award, too
How's your extra day of holi?
Do come over, you've been named :D
Such lovely awards congrats.
So many lovely stitches and F&S.
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